This is the final blog activity for this semester. It is very simple, during all the semester you have been working on different speaking projects. English I is working on their own lives and family; English IV on something that really inspired them on their careers; English V (both groups) have been working on debates of different topics and English VI is going to talk about their professional profiles.
Here is an example of a final presentation from English II in 2011. They had to hand-in a video, like English IV this semester, and the topic was to compare two cities. This is of more than 10 minutes but please remember that your videos or presentations are only of 3 minutes; debates have a different format. Let's watch it:
(Posted with permission of the author)
- English I: Write about your life, family , hobbies etc.., Did you like English I?
- English IV: Write about the most important thing of the topic of your video..Why is important for you? What are you going to show in the video?
- English V: What have been the most interesting of the research process for the debates? What topic has been the most interesting for you? Why?
- English VI: How the process of this semester have improved your personal & professional profile?
That's all!
Activity opened from November 3rd to November 18th
I want to share with my partners the admiration I feel for Andy Warhol because I think he was a great artist.
For me it is very important because everyone can learn more about the things he did.
In my video show you an art gallery that I invented to make it more entertaining and fun.
I want to transmit my love for this artist.
In the example of the video is very complete but is very paused the speaking, i going to try to make better than they, the topic of Catalina in veri interesting i want to see that presentation and i say that in my presentation I´m going to talk about the star of my career. I hope that like we
Andres Felipe Cespedes English IV
I think many people believe that graphic design applications are few and simple, which is why using animation I want to show that the design processes are complex.
In my video I explain the steps by which creates a 3D image is performed and subsequently as an animation, examples thereof.
English V: What have been the most interesting of the research process for the debates? What topic has been the most interesting for you? Why?
1st. I think that many of the concepts are handled but we don´t know too much about them, We have been looking for information in different kind of media and there are many information but we never check it out, The debates are a good resource to help us improve our speaking skills and to know more about those topics
2nd. The most interesting topic has been "Social media relationship", becouse all time we are interacting on websides and social media, around the world all people are connected and this makes part of your daily live, We can´t refuse instead we must try to take advantage of that.
Rogelio Gómez Castro
the most important of my theme is to show what the design development and 3D is reaching its developments and applications of it.
for me is important because it is a field that always liked me and me ah ah attention in the development of this, I will demonstrate 3D design applications from surveying architecture design to management training in 3d animation.
Jonathan Peña Muñoz
English IV
Design and production Graphic
Hernán David Camargo Luque English IV
Is important to show all designers community, the different results with the illustration, in this case with school children and their ways of think about some stuffs.
I will show many examples about the classwork with the kids, and the space where they explore some paint techniques. This techniques then show the integration with a tale written by a school student of 6th grade.
My family consist of:
My dad is maanager de tourism, he is divorced from my mother 18 years ago.
He has two more children and he has a travel agency, he travels a lot europa.
Mu mom lives in exporting handicrfats and panama, she live in panama and occasionally travels to Colombia to see us.
I have two sister who are still in school, graduate this year one of them want to study for hostess and the other for internacional bussiness.
thank's for you attention,
I think regardless that many of the issues raised by ourselves. I did not like much, of the three research topics that I touched with my companions. I think it was the first that was as digital vs analog which I liked, Meanwhile the subject of research material had saved about what is using similar techniques and as I think I have a good selection of books to help design such similar things. carrying similar material such as photographs, paintings printed in books and what types of print job showing different techniques analogous, although we lost I felt that my group did a good exposure of what is analogous although we had very little time. did the best that was in our on our side and I think that's fine because that helps us to improve more and more and more from us.
Steven Triviño Escudero
English V - 661TN
Inglés V: What have been the most interesting of the research process for the debates? What topic has been the MOST interesting for you? Why?
1. the research process has been interesting debates in the amount of information you can get to find, because you can see the other face of the coin from different points of view, I can even get to question my opinion on various topics.
2. although still not passed the final debate I find very interensante the topic chosen for virtual and real relationships, because today is a topic that is in furor over the handling of the Internet and education on adelocentes these days.
Sorry for my previous comment teacher, checking I saw and I made some mistakes.
1. About the first question I think the most interesting of the process of finding information, is to find things that usually one forgets and thanks to that one remembers that such techniques can improve and apply them in many of our students work as personal work.
2. the topic that was interesting to me was digital vs analog. why? because I personally in my workplace and in my career many new technologies are giving forgotten the importance of similar techniques.
besides that I like the fact handle similar techniques, because the digital pass it reflected more research on the subject and will always show a process to other people, which is very important in our work environment as graphic designers.
Steven Triviño Escudero
English V - 661TN
jeison castañeda
english V
during the search of the topics for discussion, it was more interesting to realize the close relationship between some issues are often not considered to be related, besides this they learn subjects that one had little knowledge.
Favorite item to think about the first debate, which was to design analog vs digital design, because it is a very controversial topic today and should interest us that despite the time and still go hand in hand one of the another.
My personal profile have improved thanks to my way of thinking.
I wanna say that the English classes or the process with different levels of English
have changed me the way of thinking since 3 or 2 years ago i thought that was not necessary
learn to speak in English, now is an of my targets.
Also in my professional profile have improved with the different levels of English for example:
I have learned very much of the debates in English VI it has given me the trust for can to present me in a company of the most important and do an interview in English this could be very really good.
Now start to think in English and i say to Myself: " Isn't only Colombia and thus I could travel
to others countries and working there or leave here and study more in other country, meet other cultures and language and many more.
In short words the English learning has made me think in a way more globalized.
Hi! well, of the three topics that we had for the debates my favorite has been the first one, Digital Design, because it's a topic that I know and where I feel strong to talk, plus, It wasn't hard to find information about it because it's an obvious subject, all we know that everything tends to evolve even graphic design. Today we have better tools to make our jobs, powerful machines, and software that allows us to be even more creative. The topic about comic and their adaptation to the movies was interesting too, but is something difficult to explain because there are people who prefer read a book and leave it all their imagination and other people prefer watch the image alive with all those special effects, and the truth is that this topic wasn't so fun, every single person has their likes, I'm one of those who prefer watch the movies before reading a book because I'm a really bad reader. And this one last topic about virtual relationships vs the real deal definitively I don't like it, It's a subject where I don't feel confortable and the truth is that I don't have much interesting in investigating it deeper.
In general it has been a very good activity because it allowed us to explore different topics and go deeper into them, and investigate and express our ideas in a language that is not the ours and where sometimes is difficult to leave clear our thinking, In addition we had to work as a team and it wasn't an easy task but I think that at the end we made it!
Inside the debates that have been realized, the topic that more has been called me the attention is as for the social networks; the importance that is giving him without he drives to something good in general. It is a form of communication but simultaneously it generates bad habits where these tools are in use in excess creating addictions that they lead to desconcentración and not to having a social and familiar life.
They control negative as positive aspects, inside the negative thing already it was mentioned and positive mind is a tool where it facilitates the communication with persons who are distant and creates more accessibility and approximation; and since in some cases also by means of this it has been achieved missing persons had or to recover.
It is a good activity the accomplishment of debates where we can share opinions in all that you are afraid that they control social mind and what it generates.
Andrea Agudelo
English V
626 CN
corin garcia
English V group 626 CN
What have been the most interesting of the research process for the debates? What topic has been the most interesting for you? Why?
1. The most interesting is to expand our knowledge, establish different viewpoints, to address the issue before the public; Defend the viewpoint on the topic and to write questions for people to deepen more in the proposed topics.
2. For me the most important issue but we have not discussed is the virtual love, this topic brings much controversy as there are also good people, there are many more bad, and should raise awareness of how to handle social media to not fall into groups trying to white social criminals, kidnappers, etc. This topic is a lot of information with which to make a very interesting discussion.
It is the first time I participated in discussions for the subject of English, and although at first I was very afraid, everything is to practice and understand, I feel that the discussions helped me a lot, because it taught me to drive a topic and give conclusions in another language, I could also increase my vocabulary and often have the idea to be expressed but not found the right words
The topic of discussion that I liked most was the adaptations of comics to movies because I like many comics, books and go to movies, the subject was very interesting and although an argument could be made on this issue, I found a lot of material.
Thanks for your patience Teacher
Carolina Vanegas
Group 662 TN
english V
We have been learning interesting things in the debates; The Most interesting we can learn by own-self effort for searching new tools of argumentation. For example The Debate in Analogal or digital tools for design we found a new form for resolve problems in design thinking out of the box. We´re thinking english of profesional form
COD 66101084
Well, I would have to talk about many things that happened in this semester that filled my class schedule. But referring English VI, I have to say that the requirement in every aspect is noted when you face a language, no longer governed to a book or a linear parameters entered in certain file, but it requires more and better reasoning about language.
One way to see and understand it from the perspective of everyday use, and although taking into account all the knowledge acquired during the process, as were English I to VI level, it shows greatly the drastic change to understand it as already according to rules already seen it , against a more understanding and logic aspect at the moment that you want to express it.
If I'm honest with respect to how this process has helped me in my personal and professional life, I would say, personally I see the difference when facing a comment or debate, where I could see the knowledge that I didn´t have it and showed me that you can achieve with hard work.
At the professional level, I could not say anything about it, but I hope like in my personal life, my professional life also notices the big difference in time to show what I was learned.
English VI
I had never done a debate in my life, well I had done some in school, but never in English, so when the teacher told me that this semester I was going to do a debate I felt a bit scared but also took up the challenge.
I liked the first topic because it's very important for my career, for me as a graphic designer and for the guild, is very difficult to treat it because the graphic designer is essentially analogical but now we are in a society that requires us to be always technologically updated and our career and the market has evolved fastly and requires less time to do the same things that before took months, then the software and digital tools are very helpful, the problem with this is that our work begins to be underestimate, but in my opinion is there where we must be aware that what we do is very important for the maintenance of any business, because everything comes through the eyes.
The second topic was very interesting for me, is a topic that, in my opinion, is more about preferences of each person, but for me a film will never going to be equal to the original piece, the masterpiece, handmade and designed completely from the head of their author, any adaptations that Hollywood make for this masterpiece to the screen will be mostly for profit and that is why they will care about show only the things that make money instead of show what the author wanted to transmit with his work.
The third topic I also find it interesting because it's something we're all stuck every day and do not realize the importance of having in our humanity.
The video this one related to the basic functions of a receptionist of a hotel, where the information was appearing with images of a way of video confers. The idea this video is to show the interesting thing that is to be employed at a hotel and the motive that I lead to studying Hotel and Tourist Administration.
Lizeth Gomez Lamilla Ingles IV in The Night..
This last semester gave me great lessons in every way, and also in English. About this subject, I realized that it´s essential to my personal and professional development. Is not just about thinking in futures exams or tests, it ´s also because is a universal language that gives me many opportunities to release myself in the professional world.
Knowing English became a great way to learn about discussion investigations. I think it's great because it force us to learn more about our careers and gave us a lot of new vocabulary, it also takes away the habit of learning the English by monotonous themes, because we changed those ways to study for learning about topics related to our professions.
The English debates flows naturally now, whether you're doing it right or wrong, the important thing is to give your point of view with your own English level, the fact is participate and let your ideas flow.
Many topics we discussed during the debates. The one that I liked the most, regardless of how they did my classmates was the issue of costs and the monetary value of our work, because it is something that always generates a lot of controversy in this competitive career. The quality, the times, the customer requirements are constantly topics in our work, and there are different ways of charging for our work, but there will always be a contentious issue, I love to know more about it and it was definitely the most interesting topic under discussion.
I found in general that the method of research and discussions were great ways to learn the language.
Thank you
What have been the most interesting of the research process for the debates? What topic has been the most interesting for you? Why?
The most important thing for me in the research process has been to seek the key tools to defend my position. Learning to use the arguments without damaging the integrity of the opponents. Learning to defend our way of thinking without attacking the other negatively. But above all, learn to handle the nerves before an audience, has been very helpful for me, because I am a very shy person.
The topic most interesting to me was the analog against digital tools. This is very interesting, because it puts us in a discussion against ourselves. Analogical tools are very important because they represent the base of what we do now as graphic designers.
But on the other hand, we are in a technological revolution that almost forces us to enter the new trends, the market requires us to do so. Digital tools allow us to go beyond what's offered by analogical tools. Create something new and modern. Also offers very broad fields of action that allow us to stay in touch with the world. Learning new things, new things to transmit, create information networks that help spread our image as designers.
But although our universe as designers continue to evolve, personally, digital tools will never replace the analog, technology can never match the contact with the material senses. This contact is what creates that special connection with art.
I think it's the first time in all this time we've seen different levels of English, where we had to speak in public. Although it was a difficult situation because of fear that sometimes I have to pronounce no good or wrong, as I managed to understand the dynamics of the activity and use it.
The debate that I liked was the design of analog vs digital design. And I still think that despite all the good things that technology brings, we disregard the importance of exploring all through the senses. The design of analog is pure and allows us to enjoy the experience of the design with the 5 senses, great artists achieve a result with a technique that is amazing, so these artists I admire most.
Lucia Castro Moreno
Grupo 662 TN
English V
The most interesting part of the research process of the discussion was:
1. Not always in the group agreed with the subject we corresponded
2. In the group we collided in the arguments
3. We chose to say
4. When we had pronunciation problems which helped us more aware,and finally what I liked most is that we work all the time in group
Katherine Pantano Mendoza
English V Group 662TN
The topic of my video is a short biography of the two most important graphic designers by Colombia, David Consuegra and Marta Granados; I will present a chronological journey through the most important images in the history of graphic design.
Is important that people know about the origin of graphic design in our country, is a career that has left me broadcast and transmits a message through the union of images, text, colors and textures.
Diana Marcela Gomez Martinez
Engligh V -626 CN
The most interesting part of the research process for discussion is taking the time to make a good compilation of the subject to be treated, in order to have good arguments in each debate. But before this, it is important that the team has good communication and good ideas in order to achieve a good feeling at the moment of the presentation and this way having the power of be supported for each other in case of need.
The topic that I liked most is the one we currently have. This is called VS-virtual relationships real relationships
Because it is a topic which we can get lots of information and it is a topic which generates much controversy. In addition, I think real relationships are much more effective than virtual relationships
The most interesting thing in a debate is the information obtained from different points of view about a controversial issue, generating the best ideas, publicizing and defending our opinions against others, justifying and generating various interpretations.
For me, the most interesting topic was the costs that must handle a graphic designer, because it tells us that a designer can charge less but his work will not be the same as the work of a professional, so we must charge just enough, depending of the time we spend doing the work and of the research that this work generate us.
hi hi all !!
this is a final blog and final of english 1 2 3 4 and 5.
in this semester, I can learn that I must more serious and create strong arguments for defend my ideas. every step on my experience of life and study make to help me to grow up as person integral and professional.
As soon as englihs I can learning, many things that I forget to large of time, but I feel that I'm good in english and I can learn, speak , write and many other things.
teacher lina thanks for all in this semester, I learn many many things.
thanks and succes all groups.
Alejandro vargas
Englihs V
unitec 2012
In my opinion the most important thing of the topic of your video, is from my point of view cretive development that is generated from the creation of a piece graphics, on this occasion the suit used for IRON MAN movies.
For me it is very important because I'm interested the comic and i think most people aslo.
My video is a short introduction about is important in the preparation of a piece and what is the process that takes place.
Andres Lopez- English IV
1. What I am interested in the research process was that it covered a number of topics of different races of which had students in class, and that to be hot topics that interest us a lot, we put forward and dedication.
2. The theme that I liked was Android vs Black Berry
3. For me the most interesting topic in the discussions was that we face in the two operating systems ANDROID vs Black Berry, I would have liked to have shared this class but if it was possible in debate, was a very interesting topic because it covers a part engineering, currently and the most important battles in which companies to attract customers.
I like very much the activity, it is something new that had never done, well at least in English, but the topic that more attracted attention of me, it was the one that we tackle in the second debate, to my group (group b) was up to us to defend the children's use in the publicity, I liked why it is something that has to do with our career and I have us to look for examples and think that moments this practice is well, and in fact we find several points in favor of this one, it seems slightly very great to me to debate on topics associated with our interests, the topic that we defended today (classic Art vs Contemporary art) was very interesting but, it is something more about general culture, I like investigating more on the actuality of the publicity and the design but in general it looked like to me a big activity.
The most important about the research of debates is the fact of searching how to defend myself during a debate, and also to know the advantages about the topic, even if you aren´t agreed.
I liked a lot the aceptance of the comic inside the movies because i learned about the process of adaptation, something it aint easy as everyone thinks, but you have to research everything so to mantain the essence of the comic.
Cata Lopez 662TN livel V
I will talk about the three types of tourism that can be practiced in Colombia and that I like most: the ecotourism: is the tourism that you can practice in nature with animals; adventure tourism: is the tourism that you can feeling the adrenaline and the extreme emotions, religious tourism: us the tourism that you can see all the architecture, art and history about faith.
Is important for me, because Colombia is a country where we can practice various tourist activities. I chose this topic for my project because I love all the variety of ethnic, cultural and natural in our country and often do not take advantage.
I show in my video photos to places more representatives to Colombian where you can practice this kinds of tourisms. I show the places in my neighborhood where you can do each one of the types of tours.
well for me the most interesting topic on the semester was the last one about which topic is better, classical art or temporary art, when we was researching gave us a lil more pleasure to investigate about the opinions and about what people think about this, and we realized and maybe some of us changed our opinion after knowing a lil more about this subject so it was the most interesting one for me..
hello, good afternoon!
The most importan thing in debates about the investigation process that I've been learned was about topics tat maybe won't make me feel interesting about before, but thanks to this methodology I had make myself interesting to learn more about it and for other activities which are out of the ordinary topics. The topic that I most liked was the analogous and digital design because in fact both topics are fighting to survive and shine in the graphic world. This kind of topic really interest me because both of those topics have their pros and cons which could be better or better than that could be complementary one another.
Carlos Bernal
Group 662TN
English V
I learnt about the topics and curious information. It was helpful because I learnt new vocabulary to improve my speaking skills. In general, from my thought, in the life all is relative, nothing is perfect. Each debate had negative and positive points of view. However, it was interesting after each debate for me to analyze how we need the perfect balance in the life. For example in the debate of virtual relationship VS real relationship, each group exposed theirs ideas but in my opinion both groups were great and It's hard to say what group was right.
The most interesting topic to me was the videogames because those are a way of entertainment, where the player can be and do whatever they wish. Some people believe that the games shouldn't be violence but I think that the games need to be violence in some cases. After all the videogames develop in the unreal world, don't they?. The problem is when a Child plays this kind of games. For that reason I said that all is relative and we need to remember that all of us think in different way.
Adrian Arturo Jaimes Ortega - English V 626CN
for me, advertising is the most important way to reach consumers, to know a product or service.
In the video, I will talk about two major brands in Colombia, the importance of advertising and ways of reaching consumers.
I find very interesting, and reach the minds of consumers and brands have Remembrance.
In this course I have learned to let go to lose their fear of public speaking and through the teachings and teacher tips have helped me to know that English is proved necessary for our personal and professional life, since I started to see the English in college has enriched me level after level of aid were more relevant in class discussions because we nourish vocabulary as in pronunciation. in each course of 1 to 6 English have taught me that English is important for my career and my personal life and now I will continue after completion of this course do know one more advanced mastery of this language as thinking, speaking and write in English and please awaken this desire to get to know the other language at some point in our journey as we open doors person preofesionales and God bless you for teaching profession.
Oscar L. M. Zambrano
nilvel 6
telecommunications engineery
hey =)
i live with my parents , i work in mCDonalds , i´m a swing manager and i really love my job
i lilke english 1 because i remember somethings that i forget and learn some others things that i cant learn before
Juan David Diaz
english 1
I want to trasmit the importance of the photography. Because many people think that the photography is only take photos to any thing but actually is other.
I am going to talk about some interesting places of architecture photography in the downtown of Bogotá.
Lorena Hernandez
English IV
We have developed many debates during this semester, those have been crucial in our learning process, since everything starts with the research process, and ends with the classmates participation, who share point of views, and interact with the information researched.
Three investigations have been made for the debates so far; unfortunately the second debate in our group had to be canceled due to academic problems in the course, so we had to settle for recording our voices to obtain the final score. In that debate I had to defend the influence that the video games have in children.
I usually research and collect data on the internet, and also gather different opinions and then I and my teammates structure the speech and finally we split it in different topics.
The most interesting topic has been the virtual relationships, because the classmates expressed different point of views, this kind of topic triggers a controversy quiet important, we really enjoy doing this exercise.
The debates was a very good activity for us because we could talk in public and lose the fear, also we cauld understand the topics and do the arguments an conclusions about that.
The most interesting topic for me was the last topic "Conteporany Art" because we could found a lot of things and with my group made some good arguments and conclusions.
Teacher thanks a lot for all the thins in this semester...
Thanks for your patience and dedication!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maria Fernanda Zuluaga F.
Hello I'm going to show in my video are different techniques of illustration espirital based on my experience, the themes are flame of love, dark night, interiro castle, the importance of the human being and ascent of Mount
Mónica Rojas
ingles IV
In conclusion, I believe the proposed research topics in the discussions at that time produced many insights, I think that the talks were provided to create a very good dynamic for us as students, to take up a little time jitters of the moment. And maintain the objectivity seeking this kind of research.
Thus the potential in research practice can refer you to reflect, on the one hand, on the criteria for the use is interesting in the semester, the topic that caused me concern books vs movie adaptations because shows us that reality than we live today with a culture of reading books and helps the improvement of language, improving oral and written expression.
By now there are digital books, for ease and cost of movement to the libraries and reducing time. The same applies to the new age where ecology is booming, this is a good way to not use paper and make use of new technological tools.
I think we should forget that the film is based out of a book. We must learn to separate the two languages, and although the idea is a book you have to see the audiovisual work is done with the idea, thank you very much.
francy Jazmín Perdomo - English V 626CN
my name is ivonne pineda. I am twenty four years old, I was born in Bogota city on november 17 th 1987, I am studying graphic design.
my parents are Jairo Pineda and Gladys Martinez, I have one brother, he is name is Julian, i have two pets, their names are juana and Simoma.
I like reading some books of design, technology and illustration, I prefer listening to rock, metal an Colombian folklore music,however i love the terror,zombie and thriller movies, I go out to walk with my pets in the park.
I like the class english because I learned to writing and listening new words and sentences for me.
ivonne pineda
ingles 1
721 an
I am jason Martinez, I am studynig Industrial Engineering, in the Univeristy "UNITEC", first semester.
My mom is hauswife, my father is art craft, my eldest brother is bussines administrator, my second brother is advertiser and my young brother is techer of English.
Jason Martinez Castro
English 1
Well I have to confess that I didn't like to much the subjects that we had in the debates activities, but what I really enjoyed was the way that we were force to lose our fear and our shyness in the moment that we were in front of the class defending our speeches.
The only subject that Found I bit interesting was the one where we had to talk about the graphic design prices, we investigated about how can you charge to your clients depending on your experience, your portfolio and your knowledge.
This semester was marked by personal challenges, firstly because since the beginning I felt the need to put more of my part in the learning process and application of the language, the teacher made me understand that is not only is a requirement if not a obligation that all professionals must have to meet the large markets of the world that speak English.
Nowadays the market is moving with the universal language "English" and one who is not within this language is not fit for membership in world of business and work, in reality though a little complex this language for me, I understood today that only if I change my mindset and time study I can accomplish things I did not imagine, today I had the opportunity to present my first interview in English, was a personal challenge because he believed not being able to, and it is gratifying when I do things, I know is a first step to learn this language very well because it is a personal and professional needs.
Already finished this level, I think that helped me personally and professionally, now I am ready to learn more of the language in such a way that I can feel total confidence in speaking with any person fearlessly of making a mistake.
Sandra Castañeda
English VI
1.I think that the investigation on the topics of the debates was very important because I could learn many things for my life and others to share with my family.
2.The topic that more I like was the dangers of the social networks. I think that across these networks there are many dangers because the people write all the information of his personal life and any person can take it for bad things, they can destroy families, steal, kidnap, threaten and until killing.
English V - 626CN
I believe that the investigation of the topics of debate, they were very productive, since we learned little more of so important topics of day after day. Although the best for me, it was the power to defend, something with what one does not agree.
Luis G. Ortiz B.
English V 626 CN
First of all I want to say that I enjoy the entire course offer by UNITEC, since English I until English VI, and I feel satisfied with the content of those levels.
I have gotten more vocabulary, and thanks of the blog, now I know a lot of tools to practice English, at internet.
With the dynamic of the debates I get new concepts, and those improve not only my English, I also improve the way that I face an argumentation, setting my speech with quality and ethic.
Andres Fernando Saavedra Puentes
English VI
The most important of the debates was to expose our views, document ourselves very well and to defend our position.
certainly the best and most valuable was the fact speak English to a group of people and do that they understand us, enjoy the moment and forget the rest,also forget that the teacher was there jejeje, was best for the nerves.
The topic most interesting to me was the discussion of social networks.
Know that we can be addicted and that is easier to stop smoking or drinking that to leave a social network, besides all the information that is shared with a stranger, Besides all the time lost and is left to share with those close, we become apathetic to society.
Sandra Rocha
English V
throughout this semester I have been developed my personal expectations and my professional profile considering my strengths, skills, knowledge and attitudes that I need to have for solving problems in a field of action. The personal and professional profile let me determine the structure of my life plan and the vision for the ways to achieve my goals.
Every day we are living in an increasingly competitive world and in a constant evolution even more in the advertising. For that reason, English is essential if I would find an excellent career opportunity, to grow within a company, or develop my own businesses; therefore I consider it as a need for having challenges and project globally.
Viviana del Pilar Rodríguez
English VI - 648AN
English V: What have been the most interesting of the research process for the debates? What topic has been the most interesting for you? Why?
The most interesting of the research the topics for the debates is that there are topics that we never treat in our daily life, but we did in class we learned with more detail topics that are interesting and deep, the first debate was very difficult because it was the first time that we were facing a specific topic , but with the activity i realized my faults and the good things that I have for to speak English.
The topic more interesting Was the information in social networks because it is a current topic, an topic that we all like and need to know the benefits and disadvantages of using social networks, in society today everything is being handled by means electronics, in schools, at work, at universities.
Through the face book for example we can find many of our friends of childhood,we have relationships etc. I like because it is a very contradictory.
I think that not just this semester have improved my personal an professional profile, part all my life I have tried to improve my English Language through several tools, firstly because I like it and it have become a challenge to me. But this semester have been a little different because we have had to face one of the most fear positions that is speaks in English even, in my case, talk fluent, it has been a little complicated to me, at least, in the way I want to talk, but I think that is just lack of practice, that´s why, I consider that the debates have helped me to express what I feel or thing about a topic or idea in English for a longer time, not just as we were accustomed to speak, just briefly. The fact that the teacher talks to us most of the time in English have help me to improve my listening and I realize that my listening is better that I expected This semester we have been forced to think, explain and give examples in English It have help me to advance and put into practice the knowledge I have about grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and used correctly the different tenses.
These Blogs have help me to improve my writing and thinking in English without translating. I like because every time is easier and faster write about something.
By the other hand, in my professional live, this semester I have received some tips about what are the most important things that other people take into account related with the professional career, I mean, how to capture the attention to the people, not just to get a job, but in moments of doing business and deals or in moments when I will travel to other countries to do business or to know other cultures, obviously in English Language.
That´s all, thanks a lot for give us this space to think, to express and share our feelings and thoughts and also for allowing us to improve our writing through this virtual tool…
the most important of the discussions was the teamwork, trying to make ourselves understood with our classmates and learn to listen to different points of view.
It is very interesting to see how these exercises exploit many of the skills we have on the English and take away the fear of public speaking in another language and more.
claudia avila
english v
This semester the class of English was very important for me because that class helped me to improved my knowledge, I saw very important issues that I had never seen, I could practice pronunciation, be more prepared for a job interview, I think the class of English is a very important and essential tool to good professional development. The teacher knew the best way to teach the issues and facilitated learning for our careers, having a very friendly attitude and committed with the knowledge of all students, this class of English leaves me eager to continue to improve my English.
This class contribute much to my professional growth, correcting past mistakes that had never corrected and learning new things that help me in my development like a better communication, not only at work but also personal, let me remove the barriers that I had and leaves fears aside to face more confidently the challenges that arise in the course of learning a new language.
Thanks for your time teacher Lina and to teach us your knowledge, was a very pleasant experience and leaves me eager to continue to learning and loving this language
English VI was an excellent class.
God bless you!
Mónica Naranjo.
English VI.
My favorite discussion was about LOVE, when two people meet generally the only feel like or attraction. Physical attraction is the beginning of a relationship, is that special explosion that makes that person becomes part of your life and necessary for you. At first, the story is usually not very deep, begins with personal likes, superficial dreams and anecdotes, then progresses and the topics become more profound and intimate; until you realize that it is something that comes from your heart up to the point of you`re feeling full of desires of discover projects and change things you never imagined change, even you don´t feel the time is running and Each one projects in other positive feelings, also creates an opening of yourself, who you are, what you think, what you feel; creating an innovative mechanism that produces a shared worldview with the other. That's why you end up discovering their likes, neuroses and weaknesses, but when this happens, the true love emerges from the depths of your heart.
At this time, my life is completely focus on my career, deeply loved my profession and each day that passes i give thanks to God for this. The only thing i can say about my family, is that both my parents as my sister ... i love and are my strength to finish. english i like a lot, and this semester clarified many doubts, I hope to follow as well ...
luis ibañez
english I
industrial engineering
The theme of my video is explain who is the planner in the agencies, I'm going to do an instructional video explaining the work of the planner in making agencies. This issue is very important to me because the Agencies today are incorporating the planner profile, this is who is responsible for mounting the whole strategy a company should consider.
I will make an explanation of how integrate a planner at the agency, I will do this through a very interactive presentation, I want to show the steps to make a good advertising campaign, I will also explain that this profile is very important in agencies and what he does in the agency.
Jesus Mejia Bossa
English IV
My trauma always has been to speak public, it had fear and with this process of the debates, I have been overcoming it and more because my pronunciation is not very good, besides the fact that always it made giving myself of that my other companions were going to say, but finally we all were in the same learning process and already I do not matter for myself any more.
The debate that more I am called myself the attention was I finalize that of the love, if it is real? For me the love exists in each of our hearts, every being I live it expresses it of different forms but I am sure that without this feeling our diary to live and the entire world would be very different, Everything what we do already is in the work, in family quite we do it for an end; to make ourselves happy and to love what we do and to whom they belong to our environment, the love that I sit for my family and my boyfriend is infinite.
Diana Marcela Hernández
English V 626CN
i live with my grandmother and two uncles, and my family tree is as follows:
My grandparents Miguel and Rosa had 4 sons:
Jorge Enrique, Maria Victoria,Luz Angela, and Miguel Alberto.
My uncle Jorge Enrique has 2 daughters Viviana and Andrea my cousin Viviana is married Rafael, and they have a daughter, Gabriela
My mom Victoria has three sons:David,Laura and me, and is married with Jorge Sanchez
My aunt Luz Angela is married to William Lopez and have a son:William Andres.
1). In the research process for each of the debates, is that although there are known issues of our daily lives, we never thoroughly interested to hear from them, in my case I never have been interested in video games, and was very good know that people who practice their brains develop more intelligent and even more are the people who practice them in context are generally excellent for our brain, but equally not even developing a taste for video games.
And it is very interesting for the context of the class, that allowed refresh the theme of the class, and also transmit information to classmates.
2). The most interesting topic has been that of the adaptations of the books to the movies, because I like to watch movies, and I could give a contribution from my point of view, although I am not a movie fan but if I like say that I have the chance to see.
Adriana Galeano Lopez
English V GROUP: 626CN
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 17:12:28 -0500
my family consist of my mother and sister although i live alone with my mother, we like to make things together like to going out on weekends or traveling in our free time, my hobbies are listening to music of any kind or going out with friends to enjoy.
thanks.... bye
november 18 05:12 pm
My family is conformed by my mother and father their names are libia and hernan.
I have two sisters their names are Diana and laura , I like to play a lot with my princesses.
I have six aunts and nineteen cousins and my grandmother I love her
consider my family is only ,beautiful, and very knit,
we like to travel a lot, enjoy life, meet frequently
I love my family.
Lizeth Manrique M
English one
November 17, 2012 3:33PM
hello, to all my fellow...
1.I think that the research is what makes a person can about leaving among others. all that is related to knowledge, is the best thing a person can do to improve as a person. read, research and experience, are some of the things that a person should take to get out among others.
the research,the read and the experience makes us want things and thus get more knowledge which makes us better people.
2. of all topics of debate that touched me, the topic that most interested me was the theme of virtual relationships, is an issue that today is fashionable because of the social networks, learned a lot from it, I have always said, in today's world in which we live is as in the movie " MATRIX" now all live in the virtual world.
we live in the virtual world but not in the real and virtual that is equally or more dangerous than the real world.
In my research, I met case of amanda todd, a teenager who committed suicide due to harassment of a teen she met on the social networks.
leave this video for see more about her case.
Dayron N. Urrea
English V - 661TN
Frank palacio English IV
I think the most important thing of the topic of my video is the illustration because is something that i really love i like drawing every time make new things every day and create many characters for that reason all my project which is 9T1 is about that , what im going to show on my video or explain is all about my project which is focused on illustration and shows something about the work we do.
Hello every one, my name is Jorge Luis Morales Castillo, im from English V class, and this is my opinion:
1.What have been the most interesting of the research process for the debates?
Answer: Well, I think that the most interesing has been that making this kind of execise, we can know and understand the way of thinking of differnet people. Debate about different kinds of topics, help us to be more tolertants and encrase our knowledge.Maybe the hardest part in the debates, was comunicated what we were thinking, clearly in english.
2.What topic has been the most interesting for you? Why?
Answer: My favorite topic was:" contemporary art vs classic art", because of the dinamic of this, too because the makers of the debate knew a lot of about the topic and they were very prepared, also because I think that art is a very broad topic so you can say a lot, and if you want, you can continue talking for hours, because it is very subjetive.
Juan Camilo Melo Gutierrez
Design eye
What I want to talk about is the importance that a designer see everything as a design object, given that everything that exists naturally or man-made, has its own concept and defines many things.
Basically it is to reuse existing particular purpose for me as a designer, the question arises as to what I want to communicate? and that way I use to do, is not to limit the mind to what a software or a work of art gives me but what the world is for me to transform either a rock or a tie, are things preconceived but I can be used to communicate a message graphically, for this I quote Isidro Ferrer and Marcel Duchamp, who greatly inspired me to continue on this path of design.
For me it is very important that the eyes with which you see the design change, for which the design has a great responsability in society, the design can no longer be seen as a mechanical and software that relies on a basis for good design should make use of all the instruments the world has to offer and thus not only be effective in our consciousness in discourse but let people depending on our purpose or theme to work.
The video will show examples of how things can intervene experimentally to design and give a change to the concept that things are on their own in addition to the impact generated.
in mi video i am going to talking about the illustration in general and I give you three names of a good Illustrator recognized worldwide, I will give you a little introduction of the life of this Illustrators with some of his works... and finally i am going to talking about the typographic illustration and i give my opinion of this topic and also i show some good illustrations with typography.
Alvaro León Herrera
English IV
During all semester we worked differents topics, and we did three debates in which we investigated on various topics of interest to us. Some of the topics were iphone vs android, books vs films adaptations and real love. the item more interesting for my were the real love, I learned about the chemical reactions that are in our body when we are enamored and the diferent actions of hormones. However, I think all the topics on which we discussed were very interesting and all learned a little.
1. Write about the most important thing of the topic of your video:
- the topic is the main attraction of the importance of illustrations in children's literature, I found it important to see the work of illustrator together with educators, writers, psychologists and teachers.
2. Why is important for you?
-is important because it helps to develop a child's learning, this gives a better reading comprehension, better recall of pictures and so to relate (Imagene, language) elements getting reading to go and by developing good memory.
3 What are you going to show in the video?
-In the video you can find a very brief description of the importance of illustrations in children's literature, and should be read in that language and to complete a very brief presentation of a children's illustrator to my taste along with some work done by him.
Andrea Duque Farieta
english IV
435 AN
Hello to all people...!!!
In the last few days the group of english VI has presented their professional profile, all of us met a little bit more about our partners.
I have not worked in a enterprise already, but I've done some interesting things like the designs of the electronics of casinos signs (the big word of CASINO in front of the building), the fact that I had pressented my professional profile has made that me and my partners take care about our strengths and skills, which prepare us for future challenges.
The only thing that I have to say is that we have done a big effort to prepare this final project, we have been studying our english and our profile: that means so much for the people who did't get a job because of his or her english
Good wishes for everyone who wants to use the new knowledges acquired in this semester.
Good bye for everyone!!!
Jaime Andres Melendez
Of my career what like the most is the art, because i like to paint and it is interesting to see the perspective of the artists in their paintings, I want to focus in the pop art that based on the composition of a figure on many flat colors.
I will develop the methodology of the video making a exploration of the paintings in of the an art gallery.
Tatiana Sanchez
English IV
English one, was a matter which helped me a lot, the truth I learned a lot and take very good foundation for further learning english, i like many games, music, festivities and finally do sports, such as football and cycling.
jose antonio herrera barrera
english I
industrial engineering
My name is Roberto jose guerrero, i'm 24 years old, worked for a company in logistics (such as auxiliary returns), carried four years working in this in addition my parents are called July Guerrero and Maria Rodriguez, my parents not working i like to play football and listening to music i have 4 brothers and a sister. i am single and i like traveling very much, he studied industrial engineering that i like and also relates a lot with my work. Despite the problems i liked english,that a challenge since they do not domino well, but I hope going forward in this area.
My name is Freddy Robayo jamaica, i have 32 years and I am studying industrial engineering, i served as coordinator of logistics in a company called congrupo,I am a few days before my wedding, and I am very happy with this, english was a matter, that despite not mastered well, filled my expectations and I hope that with what you have learned you can continue to make progress in it.
freddy robayo
english I
My name is Christopher, i have 30 years, currently live with my brother, worked for a company in service to the customer in stationery and office supplies, my hobbies are going out with my friends, go to parties and from time to time go to the movies. i really do think that despite my limitations, achieve acoplarme to matter and fill all those gaps in the college never learned English complied with all of my expectations.
Cristopher efren torres burgos
english one
unitec ingenieria industrial
My name is Johana, i am 25 years old, my hobbies are dancing, sharing with my family and my husband, we are currently working in a company of engineers, this is closely linked to my profession. english was for me a good review, because of my profession as a future industrial engineering english is essential, I think that clarifies many doubts and gaps in talking and the vocabulary that is essential.
johana perez torres.
My family
hello peers,I will speaking slightly my family. i live whit my dad, mom , grandmother and uncle.
My dad and mom,them work for sale and buying properties, my brother lives with his girlfriend, and it is independent. He's studing mechanical engineering and job during two years at a petroleum company.
I like my carrer,the advertising all day gives new skills, job in a store,is called falabella, the only days that going are worked with weekends.
thank's and I hope found this of value.
Juan Sebastian Amaya G. ENGLISH I
the most Important in my video is that I want to show different places where you can do activities of tourism of adventure. One of these places in Colombia is Tobia, this place is the best in to do Rafting and you can look at the nature. I want to show since it is the managing of an airline, for the transport of products in the planes. And you look the best airlineas on the world and in Colombia.
Cristian Rico Ruiz
nivel 4
I want to show to my colleagues the most sustainable way to make our existence on the planet, there ways to reuse non-renewable resources with some innovation and talent,thing to be able as part of the whole to help make a difference in a world that requires too much of our help after so irreparable damage that has been caused by the arrival of human existence
In this last english level I had the chance to learn a lot of things theoretically. But the most important one was to learn how to develop the contextual thinking, because you can memorize the rules, the verb forms, the structures, but if you don´t understand them in the context, you will never learn english completely. I had always wanted to learn this kind of things. I know that I need to deepen on this, because english, like any other language is a large world to know and explore, but I liked to learning intelligence in english.
Thanks teacher for that.
Luis Fernando Garavito
English VI
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